Welcome to our upgraded platform
If you have further questions, please consult the FAQs below. This page will be updated gradually to reflect the latest platform changes.
FAQs are available below for your convenience.
Don’t forget to reactivate your account following the steps sent to you by email!
Note that the URL for filling in timesheets remains unchanged: https://customer.connecting-expertise.com/index.php?event=contractor.login
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the admin settings, and how can I use them?
The admin settings enable administrators to personalize the Connecting-Expertise software for their company. If you have a role with the rights to manage the admin settings, you will see the admin settings module on the left in the menu. This section provides an overview of all possible actions for administrators. In this menu, you will find the following submenus: company, activities, departments, notifications, roles, reports, and users.
How can I modify my company data?
Go to the company section and make the desired changes. Fields with an asterisk (*) are mandatory. Don’t forget to click on ‘save’.
How do I add bank account numbers?
Click on ‘bank account numbers’ and add new account numbers. You can also modify or delete existing account numbers.
How do I add specializations to my profile, and what are they for?
Select the domains in which you are active under ‘specializations’ in the activities menu. The requests from the client that are sent to these specializations will then appear in your overview.
How do I set my geographical work areas?
Select the countries in which you are active under ‘geography’ in the activities menu. Don’t forget to click on ‘save’ here as well.
How do I add new departments?
Click on the button in the top right corner to add new departments. Settings from the parent department can be copied to the new department. Departments can be classified under other departments to create multiple levels. Don’t forget to click on ‘save’.
How do I modify the settings of an existing department?
Click on the three dots next to the department and then click on ‘edit’. You can manage details, users, and external references.
How do I manage notifications for suppliers?
You can activate or deactivate notifications for the different roles within your company. You can manage this in the ‘notifications’ menu, a submenu of the ‘admin settings’. Changes are saved by clicking on ‘save’. Users can deactivate their own notifications or indicate whether they want to receive notifications immediately, daily, or never. If you have assigned a role to a user, this does not necessarily mean that this user will receive all the notifications that are checked for this role, since each user can decide for themselves which notifications they receive. You can, per user, view which notifications are set by going to the admin settings menu and then opening the ‘users’ submenu. On the detail page of the user concerned, you will find under the ‘notifications’ tab an overview of all notifications set for that user.
How do I manage the roles of suppliers?
You can activate or deactivate permissions for the available roles within your company. You can also add new roles via the button at the bottom ‘add role’. When you want to add a new role, you enter a logical code for your role, and below that, you provide the role in three languages. After you have created the role, you can, in the overview screen, check which rights this role may have. You can also restrict the rights of this role to ‘own department and subdepartment(s)’ or ‘own department’ by clicking on the three dots and then on ‘access’. After you have fully configured the role, you can assign it to users. You can assign a role to a user by going to the ‘users’ section, a subsection of the ‘admin settings’, clicking on the user, and then clicking on the ‘roles’ tab. Here, you can assign one or more roles to the user per department. Note that you can link the user to a certain department with a role that has access to ‘own department and subdepartment(s)’. In this case, the user then has the rights of this role for the department to which they are added and all its underlying departments.
How do I manage the accessibility of reports?
You can choose which reports are accessible to which roles. Via the ‘add report group’ button, you can add new report groups yourself. You can then link a report to a report group by clicking on the three vertical dots next to the name of the report group. Be sure, after adding the report, to activate the slider for the roles that need to be able to consult the reports.
How do I create a new user?
In the users section, a subsection of the admin settings, you can add a new user by clicking on ‘create’ at the top right. Fill in the requested information. Note: The email address and username must be unique on the platform; the username is used by the user to log in to the platform and cannot be changed afterward. The email address is used for communication, such as receiving password reset instructions and other notifications. After you have created the user, it is important to assign the user to at least one department with one or more roles. As soon as the user is created, they receive an activation email to activate the account. Note: This activation link is valid for 72 hours. If the link has expired, please contact us via support@connecting-expertise.com.
How do I modify user settings?
Click on the three dots next to the user you want to adjust, then click on ‘edit’. This includes modifying the associated departments with the corresponding roles for the selected user.
How do I delete a user?
Click on the three dots next to the user you want to adjust, then click on ‘delete’. Deleted users are anonymized according to GDPR regulations, where personal data is changed to ‘***’.
How can I contact support?
For support, you can contact Connecting-Expertise via email at support@connecting-expertise.com or by phone at +32 (0)3 / 304 83 76. Support is available on weekdays from 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM CET.
Key Changes
What are the main changes compared to the previous version?
Besides a fresh new design, there are several functional changes: When creating a user account, you now need to choose both a username and an email address. The username cannot be changed afterward and is used to log in to the platform. The email address is used for communication, such as receiving password reset instructions and other notifications. This differs from the previous version of the platform, where your email address was also your username. The process for submitting proposals has changed. In the new version, you can no longer directly enter candidate data. You now start by selecting a human resource (this can also be yourself) before proceeding. If necessary, you can easily create a new human resource during the process. This approach offers several advantages. You no longer need to repeatedly enter the same data when you want to propose the same candidate multiple times, which not only saves time but also reduces the chance of errors. Another notable change is that in the updated version, contracts are now called assignments. Moreover, linking files such as proposals and assignments to a unique human resource ensures that you always have a clear and organized overview. You can see on the detail page of a human resource to which files this human resource is linked. Candidate data from previously created proposals will be automatically converted into human resources. If you have responded to requests in the past, the list of human resources will already contain data. If you have proposed the same person multiple times, you will notice that multiple records have been created. This is because we do not always have a unique identification of a proposed candidate in old proposals. These multiple records can, if necessary, be easily managed later.
What is Connecting-Expertise?
Connecting-Expertise is an independent, real-time online platform for working with temporary workforce such as consultants, temporary workers, and freelancers. The platform supports all steps related to working with temporary workforce, such as creating requests, selecting candidates, managing assignments, entering timesheets, and invoicing.
Which modules are available on the platform?
The platform consists of four modules: requests, assignments, timesheets, and financial documents. This is the FAQ for the complete supplier environment and therefore describes all available functionalities.
How to Log In to the Platform
Why am I receiving an email to update my account?
When you are transferred to the new version, you receive an email requesting you to update your user account. This is necessary to ensure that all data and settings are correctly set up in the new version.
How to Log In to the Platform
How can I log in to the platform?
To log in to Connecting-Expertise, go to app.connecting-expertise.com. Enter your username and password and click on ‘sign in’. If you have forgotten your password, click on ‘forgot password’ and follow the instructions to request a new password. Note: You have both a username and an email address. You always use the username to log in; this is set when creating your account and cannot be changed afterward. The email address is used for communication, such as receiving password reset instructions and other notifications. This is different from the previous version of the platform, where your email address was also your username.
How to Log In to the Platform
What are the requirements for my password?
Your password must be renewed every three months. It must contain at least 12 characters, including an uppercase letter, a lowercase letter, a number, and a special character. It must also be different from the previous five passwords.
General Functionality
How do I use the filter function?
Click on the filter button in the top right corner of your overview screen. You can request specific data by entering criteria such as client or reference. When entering data, the filter automatically starts searching based on the entered criteria. You can also save filters by clicking on the ‘save’ button under the input fields. You then need to give a name to the filter. After the filter is saved, you can find it in the ‘filter preference’ menu at the top right. You can activate or deactivate a filter simply by clicking on the name of the filter.
General Functionality
How can I adjust the order of columns?
You can adjust the order of the columns by clicking on the column symbol at the top right of the overview (next to the filter icon). You can drag the columns to adjust the order. You can also check and uncheck columns here. The changes you apply are automatically saved.
Working with Client Requests
What is shown in the ‘requests’ module?
The ‘requests’ module shows an overview of all received requests. The overview contains information such as publication date, deadline for response, title of the request, name of the company, type of request (invitation or market place), and number of positions (the number of positions you can fill as a supplier).
Working with Client Requests
How do I view the details of a request?
Click on the request in the overview. This opens a detail page with all the necessary information to decide whether you want to submit a proposal. Depending on the client’s settings, the client’s or requester’s contact information is also displayed here.
Working with Client Requests
How do I respond to a request?
You can submit a proposal on a request by clicking on the action button at the top right and then on ‘create proposal’. Creating a proposal happens in several steps. First step: You provide general information. Here, you also select the human resource you want to propose. Depending on the client’s settings, additional steps may follow, such as providing extra information, uploading documents, and adding skills. After creating your proposal, you arrive at the overview page of your proposal. Note: This is a different operation than in the previous version. By working with human resources, you can easily propose the same human resource on multiple requests. For all proposals made in the previous version of the tool, a human resource will automatically be created. When creating a proposal, you can filter this list of human resources by clicking on the filter icon. A new window appears with all the human resources on which you can filter by filling in one or more fields at the top. You also have the option to click on the ‘create’ button to add a new human resource if it does not yet appear in the list. You can also manage your human resources by clicking on ‘human resources’ in the menu on the left. Note: After creating your proposal, it is not automatically published. To publish your proposal, click on the action button at the top right, then click on ‘publish’.
Working with Client Requests
How do I track the status of my proposals?
To navigate to the overview of your proposals, click on ‘requests and proposals’ in the left menu, then select the menu item ‘proposals’. In the ‘proposals’ menu, you can view all proposals that have ever been created. You can filter these via the filter button at the top right. Just like with requests, you can also save your filters here. The filter is by default set to proposals with status ‘draft’ or ‘published’. If you want to view proposals with other statuses, you can do so by checking multiple statuses in the filter. Some statuses such as ‘longlisted’ and ‘shortlisted’ are not shared by all clients. In the overview screen of proposals, you can click on a specific proposal to open the detail page.
Management of Human Resources
What is the difference between ‘human resources’ and ‘users’?
It is important to distinguish between human resources and users. Human resources are the people you want to propose for a client request, while users are the employees of your company who need access to the platform to perform tasks such as viewing requests and submitting proposals. Managing human resources and users therefore happens in two different places on the platform: • In the ‘human resources’ menu on the left, you can manage and add human resources that you want to propose or have already proposed on a request from a client. • Managing users can be done via ‘admin settings’. You can only access this menu if you have the role ‘Admin’. In this menu, you will find the submenu ‘users’ where you can manage the users of your company.
Management of Human Resources
How do I manage my human resources?
You can manage your human resources by clicking on ‘human resources’ in the menu on the left. You get an overview of all the human resources that you can propose or have already been proposed for a client’s request. Adding a new human resource can be done via the ‘create’ button at the top right. You can find more information about a specific human resource by clicking on it. You then arrive at the detail screen where you can, among other things, link certain documents and see if this human resource is linked to one or more proposals and/or assignments.
Management of Human Resources
How do I delete human resources?
To delete human resources, go to the list of human resources by clicking on ‘human resources’ in the menu on the left. Then click on the three dots next to the human resource and click on ‘delete’.
Management of Human Resources
Where can I perform onboarding and offboarding actions?
You can perform onboarding and offboarding actions via the submenu ‘human resource actions’ in the ‘human resources’ menu. Depending on the client’s settings, you may be asked to fill in certain information, upload documents, or complete other steps as part of the onboarding or offboarding process.
Working with Client Data
What client information can I see and manage?
The platform consists of four modules: requests, assignments, timesheets, and financial documents. The available modules and information may differ per client, which means that you will see different functionalities for some clients than for others.
Working with Client Data
Where do I fill in my timesheets?
Entering your timesheets is still done via https://customer.connecting-expertise.com/index.php?event=contractor.login with the login details that were sent to you. However, you can view your timesheets via https://app.connecting-expertise.com/.
Personal Settings
How do I manage my profile information?
You can manage your profile by clicking on your profile at the top right of the screen. Here, you can navigate to your profile to manage your personal information, roles, notifications, external references, delegation, and manage your account (reset password or delete user).
Personal Settings
How do I set my notifications?
You can manage your notifications by clicking on your profile at the top right of the screen and then selecting ‘notifications’.
Personal Settings
What are push notifications?
Push notifications are the notifications displayed within the platform. Currently, only notifications via email are supported.
Personal Settings
What does the delegation function entail?
The delegation function allows you to temporarily transfer your roles and rights to another user within your company. This is useful during absence or vacation. Enter the user, start date, and end date, and click on ‘save’. If you wish to delegate your role, it’s important to remember that: • This function is only intended to temporarily pass on access; it should not be used when someone leaves the company. • You should only delegate your profile to a user who can correctly follow up on your files. Check with your HR contact person if you have any questions about this. • It is possible to delegate part of your roles to another user.
Personal Settings
How can I change my password or deactivate my account?
Click on your user profile at the top right. Under ‘manage my account’, you can change your password or deactivate your account.
How do I manage the settings of the company?
The ‘admin settings’ section offers functions for managing company data, creating and deleting users, setting company specifications, and managing email notifications. These options are only available if your user role has the required rights. If this is not the case, a user with the appropriate rights can adjust your role or add an extra role that does have these rights, so you have access to the desired functions. More explanation about this can be found in the FAQ regarding admin settings.
How can I get support for using the platform?
For technical support, you can contact Connecting-Expertise via email at support@connecting-expertise.com or by phone at +32 (0)3 / 304 83 76. Support is available on weekdays from 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM CET.
Where can I go with a content-related question?
Connecting-Expertise only provides technical support for the platform. For content-related questions about requests, selections, and more, you can contact the contact person of the file. Contact information can be found on the detail page of the relevant file. The data displayed here depends on the client’s settings.